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Messed up external access to controller from external IP's - GHL Profilux - HELP (1 Viewer)

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Dec 18, 2006
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My controller was working fine until December 2013.
I could type my home's external ip and see my controller, and
my web/email alerts worked fine.

Then Yahoo upgraded to HTTPS and Profilux no longer sent emails.
However, I could still type my home external/true IP or use a DNS proxy
e.g. no-ip.biz and see the controller.

I upgraded the controller's firmware, and interface software hoping to resolve
the email issue, but now can't even see the controller's webpage using the true
IP or DNS proxy.

The controller is visible in my home net work e.g. 192.168....., but typing the
true IP 50.191.... doesn't work. I think the port forwarding is set correctly,
but I may have erased the correct settings when I upgraded the software.
I forgot to save a copy of the current settings?

Any suggestions?