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Not exactly sure how I feel about these Types of videos... (1 Viewer)

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Mar 25, 2017
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So I’m just watching YouTube late at night when I should be sleeping but cmon what college student goes to bed on time 😂

Anyway I’m watching a vid ( I’ll link it down below) and this guy is setting up a saltwater pond for this first saltwater anything! Which I wouldn’t recommend at all knowing his intentions are to keep rays and sharks. Don’t get me wrong we all have dreamed of doing this at least I have but it’s just not worth it unless u have the time and money and space for it. Mind you he’s setting it up OUTSIDE and puts a large umbrella to cover it. My anxiety is going nuts 😂😂 like bro it the rainwater gets in there it will crash it, if any outdoor chemical it can crash. And the way he tried to transport the water from the store in a 160 gallon tank 😂😂 like he could have just bought like a big water container. Or borrowed it from the store that he got the water. Then he continued to fill up the pool with hose water and was just throwing in bags of salt. The good is that he knows the cycle, has a large uv on it, and that’s about it.

I don’t know sorry for the rant.
But I’d like to know what everyone else thinks?

Going with a big first tank is awesome and recommend but a saltwater POND as ur first I don’t know about that one.

Here’s the link

Happy reefing