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one proud pappa (2 Viewers)

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Dec 17, 2003
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Wow folks I am so excited. I was cleaning my glass a few days ago and noticed that my maroon clowns have a cluch of eggs!! It is so freakin cool. There must have been a hundred of them in the begining. YOu can see the little guys starting to develope inside the eggs.

So what can I feed the tank to try to keep the little guys alive??????

The clowns laid the eggs under the anenome! The interesting thing is that were the tentacles touch the eggs they are not inflated like the rest of the anenome. It is really interesting. It would be neat to find out if this is how the clowns develope a resistance to the tentacles. perhaps the during development the stinging cells trigger something to take place within the eggs??? Anyway I will keep you posted.. Can I put a pic up on this.


Having just read "Clownfish" by Joyce D. Wilkerson which I borrowed from Mikester.

You probally don't have time to raise this batch but they spawn once a month or more so it will happen again.

Here is a quick rundown of what you need to do to successfully raise the clowns.

You have to start a rotifer culture.
The clown fry can't eat anything that is too big.

Then hatch baby brine shrimp as the clowns get bigger.

Then you can get the clowns on to flake.

In the book she says that one of the hatcheries ran out of rotifers and were able to get some of the fry to eat pulvarized spirula flakes. Best of Luck my Cinnamons some days start cleaning a nest so I hope I'll be able to raise some of them.



Jamin B. is that you bro?
If so long time no see.... Where you been?

My clowns moved their standard nest site of under the anen to the front of the overflow box, I moved a powerhead a while back to blast the anen and it seems to have screwed up their laying cycle, but today a nice FAT clutch twice the normal size. In plain view on the overflow, no anen for protection there, we will wait to see if the eggs last with no protection, may have to move the powerhead back to make the parents a little happier...

SOrry to hijack your thread. But as stated above you need a phyto supply to feed rotifers, then a big supply of rotifers to keep the fry fed, they will eat pulverized flake as said above, but I think that flake is after they have been fed rotifers for a while. From what I know they are into prey capture when young, and need something to stimulate the feeding response....

And you will have a hard time raising fry in the main tank, too hard to get the high concentration of rotifers per square inch of tank water that the fry need to have available to eat and grow. You would end up over taxing your system to keep that much food in suspension. SO the fry must be removed from main display and raised in a seperate tank, or you need to pull the eggs out of main tank and hatch in another tank....
HOpe that helps a little. But it is cool to see the first clutch of eggs in your tank!!!!! :wink:


Dec 17, 2003
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hey there

Reef hey buddy how are you doing? I know it has been forever , but I have been so busy I just couldn't keep doing marsh. Anyway how is the tank? Oh hey I forget how to do rotifers? help


I suggest the book that tcarlson mentioned. It has all you need to know and more to raise them.