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Orange back wrasse issue (1 Viewer)

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Supporting Member
Dec 10, 2008
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Katy Richmond area
Yesterday my orange back wrasse was swimming funny, my daughter noticed it first. It has been fine for almost 3 weeks since we received it and it happened fast it seems. Yesterday morning ate and was swimming fine, lunch was fine too and also around 4 to 5 before I left to a fish store. It seems only 2 options, swim bladder or spinal injury. Video is below. It doesn't have a distended abdomen and it's trying to swim using it's two from fins and dorsal but it's body sometimes curves like an L or a C. Obviously very disheartening. I am getting an acclimation box so I can put him in because the very low flow mp40 just blows him away. Any suggestions on what it is and next steps. Hopefully if he's the same in 2 weeks and still has difficulty swimming, I have seen some suggestions of possible euthanasia but have never come across this situation before.

Just needing advice
