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Seahorse tank v2.0 (1 Viewer)

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Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
NW Houston
Well, as it turned out 25 gallons just wasn’t enough. So, I broke down my 55 and started over. As it was, most of the equipment I had didn’t fit under the stand anyway, I was tired of having the chiller, fuge and top off sitting outside the stand. I was able to get my hands on a 24” X 60” cabinet and went to work.

I started by cutting a whole in the right side for a vent for the chiller to draw in cold air:

Then I added an exhaust fan in the upper right hand side of the stand.

I added a 4’ power strip, a thermostat to control the exhaust fan, and finally a 27 gal sump/fuge.

Here is everything all wired up.

On went the granite top (as if I was going to put on anything else).

I replaced the crushed coral with a sand bed, installed my rendition of a closed loop, and put the live rock back in.

After the brief (1 week) cycle I put the corals I was keeping back into the tank.

Re-tested and added the ponies.

After making a few minor adjustments I’m hoping to be worry free for at least week 


Looking good guys!! BTW, Marvin is doing well in his new home, even already eating.


looks great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish I had a granite top on my stand. That is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

I did the same thing. I went from a 20 to a 60 for my Seahorse tank. I like the 60 better :)


Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
NW Houston
Thanks for all the kind words, now comes the tweaking part of the project. I had wanted more flow from the return but didn't want to increase the flow through the fuge. So I ran the fluval/chiller so that it draws from the intake side and returns on the by the return side. However I am getting micro bubbles in the return area which in turn is going into the tank. I'm not sure what to do to eliminate them so I am throwing it out to you guys for any help you can give me.
