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Sick leather coral? (1 Viewer)

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Jan 2, 2008
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I have a bigger-than-a-dinner-plate sized leather coral (sarcophyton sp.) that has what appears to be small surface lesions on it (1/4" to 1/2"). I can't see any sort of parasite with the naked eye. There isn't any slough or dead tissue (and no black tissue) but some small amount of tissue is eroding/disappearing.

I've had the coral for 4 years and it's always been healthy and in the same spot in the tank (it has easily tripled in size over that time). I've noticed similar type lesions on this coral before but recently the "lesions" have gotten far worse (with no changes to the tank in parameters or livestock).

I'll try to post a photo but unfortunately my camera's LCD just broke so it may be a few days. In the meantime, any ideas?