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Snail Mail Fail . . . .. almost (1 Viewer)

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Dec 2, 2009
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Greatwood Sub of Sugar Land
So I won an auction for 20 miniature Florida Cerith snails on eBay. I think I paid $10, and that included shipping. Not bad. It was to ship on a Monday, which it likely did.

So, Wednesday, I get home to find a wet flat rate priority mail box in a soaking wet white plastic bag. The box says fragile, and it also bears some emblem from the post office that states that it has been damaged in shipping. Really ?

I find the bag and there are 20 someodd tiny snails in the moist bag. I scoop out some water from my display tank and go to dump the snails into the small plastic saucer. But I hesitate.... how do I acclimate them when their water is on the floor of a post office. ? I just dump them in the saucer and walk off. 10 minutes later, many are clearly moving. I grab a few of the most live ones and place them into my display tank. I shoved all the others to one side of the saucer and make a note of what side they start on. 5 minutes later, every single one has crossed the 3" saucer and is on the other side. Clearly they are alive.

So, their acclimation may have been short and sucky, but they seem to be resilient. I put half in my display tank, and the other half into what is to be my stomatella snail breeding setup. They'll be my canaries.

I'll check tonight at home to see how many haven't moved since their introduction.