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The Perfect Snail (1 Viewer)

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Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
Seabrook, TX
This is why I am about to buy 10 more of these from Frags N Crabs:


The squeaky clean area of the rock you see all around the snail is where the snail has EATEN away ALL the hair algae directly around it. You can see the difference of where it has not eaten, and what looks like there was no algae at all where the snail is. You go, snail!! This hair algae is over an inch long now, still part of the algaecyanodiatomcrap I am dealing with....and look at what this Giant Zebra Snail can do-that's what I'm talking about. 8O

Awesome. 8)

I'm buying the whole harem of these from Frags N Crabs this week!



That is great you found a snail that will help you out! But you might want to reconsider 10 of them. How big is your tank, 75 right?

I had one of those snails (2" across) and it ate monster amounts of algae, I think 10 in a 75 would eventually lead to starvation of some of them. See how much one of them eats in a week and then see how many you need.

I guess if you get too many you could also resell some of them before they starve :)



Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
Seabrook, TX
Yeah, Brian, I thought of that.....but I have two in there, and I got them from Leslea when she drove down 2 wks. ago, and the thing is, they aren't covering much area, but what they do cover gets cleaned spotless. The other one has stayed on only one glass side of the tank, and the one in the pic has only stayed on that rock. And you see how the rest of that rock is covered in long green hair? The whole tank looks like that. Almost all my star polyps are smothered, and I know I am working on eradicating it correctly according to that other thread we all talked on...but I can't do very much during the week in the evenings on the tank by the time I get home, and all this stuff is growing daily-faster than I can get to it all. If I get that many snails, and the tank actually can't feed them, I won't let them starve (if my tank actually ever gets that clean); I would sell them, as you suggested...but w/ my tank, that's thinking very optimistically these days.


PygmyAngel said:
Yeah, Brian, I thought of that.....but I have two in there, and I got them from Leslea when she drove down 2 wks. ago, and the thing is, they aren't covering much area, but what they do cover gets cleaned spotless. The other one has stayed on only one glass side of the tank, and the one in the pic has only stayed on that rock. And you see how the rest of that rock is covered in long green hair? The whole tank looks like that. Almost all my star polyps are smothered, and I know I am working on eradicating it correctly according to that other thread we all talked on...but I can't do very much during the week in the evenings on the tank by the time I get home, and all this stuff is growing daily-faster than I can get to it all. If I get that many snails, and the tank actually can't feed them, I won't let them starve (if my tank actually ever gets that clean); I would sell them, as you suggested...but w/ my tank, that's thinking very optimistically these days.

OK, just wanted to put my two cents out there. I find snails fascinating and like to spread the word they are not disposable. Glad you were already aware of that :thumb:

Good luck on getting your tank back to how you want it! I guess each tuft of that hair algae would keep one of those snails full for a while huh? The one I had was CONSTANTLY on the move, probably because he was competing with all my breeding snails. He was sold off so he wouldn't starve in my tank. Pretty snails though.
