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Voltmeter Help (1 Viewer)

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Apr 13, 2003
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Meyerland (610 and Braeswood)
OK, keep in mind your talking to an electrical moron. I know how to turn on a light switch and flip a breaker if it trips. Thats about it.

I have a Digital Multimeter that looks pretty much like this http://www.doctronics.co.uk/meter.htm#digital. (first major picture about 1/3 of the way down the page)

You may be wondering why I even have it given my opening statement but it was given to me.

How do I set it to see if I have any voltage leaking into my tank from pumps or anything else? I've got two cords red and black, which of the three holes do I put them in? What do I turn the dial to?

Any help would be much appreciated.


multimetetr use

:D you need to put the black lead in the com hole and the red one in the middle hole. turn your dial the V ~ and 200.put one lead into the water( just the metal part of the lead and the other to the ground, tile , floor. no wood or carpet.nothing should register. unless you have a true rms meter. anything less than a couple of volts you should be ok. if not you have leaklage.now that being said, if you suspect leakage be careful with water and electricity as you know they don`t mix.be careful.