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Recent content by chris.urbina.50

  1. chris.urbina.50

    What is your camera? Got pics?

    Share some pics of your tanks Cannon t3i un enhanced pic Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2uljukp Plouk
  2. chris.urbina.50

    What is this?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2uljukp Plouk
  3. chris.urbina.50

    Monterey Mexico live aquarium

  4. chris.urbina.50

    Pictures under blue lights

    How can I get pics under blue lights showing the colors I see? Cam = Olympus stylus 720 sw
  5. chris.urbina.50

    Lighting, LGH mitras 6100 excellent

    It's amazing what colors you can get and how they make your corals "pop" http://www.aquariumcomputer.com/System__E_/Products/Illumination_technics/LED_technology/LED-pendant_lamp_Mitras/led-pendant_lamp_mitras.html
  6. chris.urbina.50

    Anyone got a in aquarium ptz camera?

    Found one http://submertec.co.uk/products/seaspy-fixed-cameras/cameras/batray-sperical-aquarium-camera/ But was looking for something here in the states
  7. chris.urbina.50

    Feather starfish,

    Anyone tried to keep one? I had one a while back but I lasted only a month.
  8. chris.urbina.50

    Beached tank

    I have a seahorse tank that I completely beached and scribed clean a yr ago. It's just started growing corline algae. I just found glass anemones, I have not added ANY new rock to the tank or put in water from any other tank. What the hell? I hate these guys. Ideas where the little aholes came from?
  9. chris.urbina.50

    Close by stores for coral/fish

    I am at the aquarium eating in town for a few hours (I live 100 miles away) where and what are some sponsor/place around me I can go to get stuff?