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Recent content by Jaybird

  1. J

    Texas A&M MSC's FOWLR tank build log

    Today officially starts the first day I begin working and can start an active log of the tank to monitor and seek advice of possible solutions and suggestions. Ill give an update after I finish working today. Pictures will come because, threads are useless with out pictures!
  2. J

    Got the job

    I am not on the team maintaining the 300 tank in the MSC. already explained things I believed to be wrong with the current setup. My suggestions were good be aide it saved then money in the long run. So here's the load out. The tank was set up to create awareness for gulf fish. Now I ask you...
  3. J

    Java skills?

    Is there anyone here skilled in coding? I need some help with java.
  4. J

    It Starts Tonight

    At 9pm starts the new year for an event larger than any other student event ever. Breakaway. 10,000 students will gather at reed arena in college station Texas for the largest student gathering for a time of worship and ministry. I'm so excited and honor to be apart of this event. For those that...
  5. J

    Mom wants me to get what?

    My mother sent me an email saying I should get this fish. It looks neat. http://www.cjclandandseaphoto.com/eindA_pinnate_spadefish.htm
  6. J

    Reef Camera

    If I could direct you attention to my signature you will notice there is a link to my new website where I have put a live stream of my tank.
  7. J

    Texas A&M MSC tank

    I was walking through the MSC with some friends and some lady was handing out flyers the size of a postcard announcing their new fish. So I asked the lady if they need help maintaining it and to my surprise, she said "yes we do." So I got her email address and send her a short simple email...
  8. J

    RODI unit

    I'm looking for one. I know little about them beyond the fact that they purify the water to acceptable conditions. Can someone recommend a model? Also, Since deionized water is not acceptable to be drank, is there some way of creating a Tee to pipe off some of the RO for drinking?
  9. J

    FG service truck

    I saw one again in my area. I'm getting temped to follow them.
  10. J

    a new toy

    Bought a D-link security camera so I can watch my tank when I'm gone or away. Best investment this year!
  11. J

    Bristle worm

    Is it plausible that a bristle worm is attacking and killing my fish and snails? This morning I saw my tiger conch on its side and a bristle worm stretched out towards it. Could this be the same killer that killed my diamond goby?
  12. J


    The dot on the right is coraline. What is the dot on the left. It's is green coraline?
  13. J

    Texas A&M's tank

    This tank sucks!! GHA every where. Also, very little live stock. Not even a clown or hippo.
  14. J


    Thanks Dennis for everything!!
  15. J

    Gun testing?

    Where can I go to test out handguns? I turn 21 tomorrow and I'm ready to buy as soon as I can decided what feels good to me.