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Search results

  1. H

    Water not clearing up

    I setup my new nano about 5 weeks ago. It is the JBJ 28 with compact flourescents. The only thing I did was put chaeto in one of the chambers in the back with some diy led on opposite timer, and add a nano koralia. Let me know what you think? The water in the tank has not become crystal...
  2. H

    RBTA and Clam

    I added an RBTA yesterday, and after wandering around for a day, he seems to have snuggled up to my clam. Should I try to move one of em? Give em a couple of days to sort it out? Thanks, any suggestions are much appreciated!
  3. H

    Water Change JBJ 28CF

    I'm looking to change 5gallon every week on my new nanocube. I have a lot of 5gallon jugs, and was wondering if I go to buy saltwater how long will it last (can I make one run for a month of water changes)? Should I just shake it up? Also is there a small pump that fits inside of the mouth of...
  4. H


    I've had my skimmer (EuroReef RS100) turned off for about 2 weeks as I was needing some O'Rings and to do some cleaning. Tonight, I put it back in the sump, and it appears to be working. However, I noticed that I picked up a little shock when my wet hand touched the sump. Being more...