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ICP-analysis testing is a joke (1 Viewer)

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Feb 4, 2014
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League City
Ok, I’m way too bored tonight. :yield:

Let’s get this thread back on topic and talk about ICP analysis. Why should you get an ICP test? They are pricey, take time to perform, and can be faulty.? Yes, Yes, and Yes. However, they can be extremely beneficial to dial in a reef tank.

For example, let’s talk about Fluoride briefly. Fluorine/Fluoride is an element with a concentration which currently cannot be detected by ICP analysis (this will change in the future). It’s present in NSW as Fluoride. Due to the importance of this element, ATI has purchased special equipment for analysis. This is why Triton doesn’t currently measure this element, but hold tight, they will in the future. ;) This element must be separately measured by a IC/ISE HSA.

Fluorine is an extremely important element for corals. It has an inhibiting effect on bacteria and algae, but it’s also important for coral growth and defense against certain parasites. Fluorine also has an effect on the blue color of some corals.

A depleted fluorine concentration can lead to dull tissue or slowed growth, just to name a few, but there are many other important factors. :)

With that said…I’m going to bed.