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Search results

  1. R

    Baby clownfish!!!

    My female Perc has been VERY aggressive lately...going on a rampage in my tank (frags have been scattered, my aquascape has been...well, re-aquascaped, etc). Now I know why!!! http://youtu.be/Y0KaoH6UHdg <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Y0KaoH6UHdg"...
  2. R

    Purigen Users....your input!!

    Ok, so I was swapping filter media today as part of my regular maintanance and when I pulled my Purigen bag out this is what I got.....has anyone ever seen this before and if so any idea on why it would have turned red? I have used Purigen in my Nano for about a year now and have never seen...
  3. R


    Ok, so who here uses one? If you do, which one do you have, how do you use it, and has it really saved you time/ money over the long run. I am looking at the Apex, because I know it will run my AI Sol LED lighting system....but if you have had good luck with another brand/model, please share...
  4. R

    Tank Upgrades

    So, I have added a few nice pieces of equipment to my tank over the last few weeks. The weekend of the picnic/frag swap, I received my AI Nano LED fixture (which is freaking AWESOME!!!). I had to build a mounting device for it because the one that came with it was pretty useless since my tank...
  5. R

    BTA Feeding

    Ok, so I've had a few of these and (either a tank change, Ike crash, or clown casualty), caused them to not last all that long. Soooo, now, a new tank (well not 'new' it's been set up well over a year) and new tank mates...for my new BTA (whew, that's a lot of new's). I want to do a good job...
  6. R

    Ecoxotic Panorama LED

    Does anyone know anything about these? I hear they are pretty powerful and that you might be able to get away with 1-2 of these in a 28 nano. I really don't want to have to replace this CF light in my hood...thoughts!!