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  1. H

    Some macro pictures of my reef

    I just got my new Canon 100 Macro lens and I tested out some shots. hope you like. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jaime.vinas@sbcglobal.net/slideshow?.dir=/1a8c&.src=ph
  2. H

    some closeups from my tank

    I went ahead and added a few pictures from my tank with my new camera. Hope you like http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/jaime.vinas@sbcglobal.net/slideshow?.dir=/180f&.src=ph
  3. H

    My cucumber split

    Yesterday as I was feeding the fish, my wife goes, your ugly thing just split or something because now you have two of them. I was surprised. I didint know they did that. :)
  4. H

    scott's wrasse wont eat.

    Anyone have any idea how to get a fish to eat? Ive had this scott's for two weeks now and it wont eat. Its deteriorating and its depressing. I fear the worse for this guy. :(
  5. H

    Metal Halide Exploded

    Ok, I got home today and saw that half of my tank was white and immediately knew something was wrong. I noticed that my corals were half bleached and a quarter of my top rocks where completely white. Then I opened my hood and noticed that one of my metal halides had cracked and busted open. My...
  6. H

    Questions about Cyanobacteria

    How do you get rid of it? My skimmer is down due to that my stupid mag 9.5 burned out. So, I havent been running it for 5 days. However, this stuff started to emerge ever since I put some seio pumps in my tank and the flow was heavy. Can anyone help me here? Thanks
  7. H

    Anyone seen those blue anthelias?

    They are a product of the devil I tell you! The DEVIL!
  8. H

    ok, the latest picture of my reef

    Since I had to move my tank one last time due to putting tile, now its back in its place where it belongs. here is a picture of my reef lately for those who havent seen it:
  9. H

    Think these are good for your DSB?

    New worm species found on dead whale bones. http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/nation/2709453
  10. H

    For some odd reason I cannot keep birdnests

    I mean, every one ive place in my tank has died slowly to algea growing on it. All my acros do great. But birdnests dont. Anyone have a clue as of why this might be happening?
  11. H

    MUAHHAAHAHAHA! - Corpus Christi Collection trip boasting

    Between me and BigBird we collected about 1000 Peppermints :D:D Ok maybe not that many, but enough not the be able to see the bottom. We got so many peppermints that each net dip we would get like 25-30 peppermints out at at time. :D:D It took a little courage, but between me and bigbird we...
  12. H

    Which LFS has Nori?

    Anyone know? I want to get some for my tangs. :D
  13. H

    BAH! ICK!

    Somehow my fish have contracted ICK. :mad: They where fine last night and then suddenly today they are covered with white dots. :cry: :( Anyway, I am currently dosing them with Garlic. I put two pieces of garlic in my tank. Hopefully this will get rid of it. :(
  14. H

    Discounted Corals at AquaticCenter

    Hey I just found out that Kenny @ the Aquatic CEnter is going to discount on selected fish and Corals at ( 20-30% ) non members and 25-35% for marsh members on a daily basis. :D Just wanted to pass the info along. As of why? I dont know. I should just go buy everything myself ha!
  15. H

    Red Mithrax Crabs spawning

    Yesterday I was lucky to witness one of my Red Mithrax Crabs spawning little crab larvaes. I saw it expelling these bubbles and then I realized it was baby crabs. Never seen that before. One more thing to add to my reef experiences. :D
  16. H

    Green and Rose BTA article

    For those who havent seen this excellent article on Reef Central: http://home.att.net/~karenssaltwater/wsb/html/view.cgi-html2.html--SiteID-697114.html
  17. H

    You have to feel sorry for this guy

    I though I had it bad, this guy had a disaster on his hands. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=380084
  18. H

    Arrow Crabs

    Good or bad for a reef? I've always been fascinated with them, however I dont know many people who keep these guys and how well they do in reefs. If anyone has experience with these please post them here. :D And Tom, I know what you are going to say. :P
  19. H

    Anyone know which LFS sells live brine shrimp?

    My butterfly is being a butt and he is only eating spaghetti worms and small feather dusters off my rock. Hes not eating any of the frozen foods I have. I know he eats live brine shrimp, so I figure Ill go that route for now. Anyone know?
  20. H

    Pictures of my fishtank so far

    And yes the pictures are 800x600 no more of those huuuuge files. :wink: