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Search results

  1. J

    Help with Lobo

    Can anyone identify what is going on with this Lobo, tissue is turning white and dying? I do not know what to do, someone may have had the same issue. :?
  2. J

    Snails Starving???

    Tanks (180 gal) been up for 7 months with a clean up crew added right after it finished cycling. I only used RO/DI water from the start. It now appears that all my Turbo and Astrea snails are starving as they are no algea growing in the tank. I can only assume the water quality is good enough to...
  3. J

    Grape Caulerpa ?

    I recently added some Grape Caulerpa to my refugium and the plants looked healthy enough. But after 2 weeks the plant is slowly shrinking away. The tank is 2 month old and the caulerpa was added to bring down the nitrates which were running abour 5 parts. the remaining paramiters are 0 trites...
  4. J

    Filling New Tank

    Any one know of a place in Missouri City / Sienna Plantation area to get large containers of RO Water? I have a new 180 gal to fill this weekend and my RO-DI cannot produce fast enough. :( Any Help will be appreciated Jim
  5. J

    New 180 gal Stand

    I will be completing the frame of my new 180 gal stand today and just want some opinions on hieght. My current plan has the top of stand at 38" off finish floor. I want to know if anyone has a 180 (72x24x25.5) tank set up around this hieght and if you had issues. All opinions appreciated. Side...
  6. J

    Skimmer Repair

    Has any one had any luck with repairing the supply fitting hot melted into the side of a PM ES-100 skimmer (PVC into Acrylic). Mine developed a significant leak and I have had to shut down the skimmer. Help anyone? :?
  7. J

    Are These?

    Sponges, I notice them earlier this week and now my sump is covered with them and a few starting in the tank? DO they stay are should they go? The sump is due for a major cleaning and do not want to destroy good things. Thanks for your help!
  8. J


    is anyone using crushed coral for the substaight in a reef tank? Or is is just wrong to not go with LS even if the refugium has LS? Snails have trouble getting across the crushed coral rubble and fall over.
  9. J

    Clean up crew (how much is too much)

    I have a new 125G tank (72x18x22) with refugium and skimmer, running for 2-1/2 weeks. corallife 3x 150 MH + Blue acintics (sp?) and moon lights. New tank algae bloom hit the 130 lbs of L.R. and crushed coral substraight pretty heavy. Just ordered Reef special #2 from Reeftopia: 75 Turbo Snails...