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Search results

  1. T

    Yikes, all SPS dead!

    Just got home, everything was fine this am when I fed the fish, came home, all SPS pretty much dead. The only surviving 2 pieces looks bleach but no where as bad as the others which are completely white. Just checked parameters, Alk, PH and Calc all ok. Did not dose anything or have any temp...
  2. T

    Anyone have the ORA purple Plasma?

    Got any pictures? I would like to see what it really looks like.
  3. T

    Great coral growth video.

    Check it out, sps harvesting in Fiji. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI04VK0NMyM
  4. T

    Whats the coolest yet easy to take care of SPS?

    That does not slime like there is a spider web floating through the water columns every water change! Is it some sort of ORA stuff? Or the birdsnest/Valida types?
  5. T

    What you have learned - Others might can try.

    So i've been through a few tank crashes and other problems. After looking at my tank for the past few weeks, I've decide to write down somethings that really helped me out. Maybe this will help some people and I know some of you prob have secrets to share as well. 1. Water changes, atleast 20%...
  6. T


    So i walked in to CP and did my normal rounds, $15 later. 2 frags opened right away, the third should be a stunner as well. :twisted:
  7. T

    So I'm sitting at home sick watching my sps die.

    It's weird, the only one doing this out of my 4 SPS pieces. Been going on for a while and RTN very very slowly. All parameters are beyond good I even bought a Elos test kit to verify. Should I be fragging? 2 weeks ago: Today:
  8. T

    Post your favorite coral Pictures!(Pic heavy)

    And how you got it. This is from R-ballJunky. Meteor Shower Cyphastria Emerald on fire or something from I_Am_Poor Tubb's Blues from Slyfox Green centered Zoas from City Pets
  9. T

    Be warned!

    They got some sick shiet this past week! :) Will let Wago post his own pictures this time.
  10. T

    Who wants to rent me a Sea hare!

    Finally my tank is on the right track again! Got the Phophates under control just need to mow down the little hair algae that was thriving for the time being. Anyone got one I can borrow for about a week? :)
  11. T

    Anyone seen those crazy sps at CP?

    There is a few pretty crazy looking sps's there. Yellow body, greenish branch, blue tip. I think Raymond got some already, anyone knows what they are or if they are easily kept?
  12. T

    Winger rocks!

    Thats all. :twisted:
  13. T

    How do you deal with the stench from the skimmer?

    Ever since I went to the Sapphire BC29 skimmer in my nano, it is pulling some nasty stuff that really smells terrible. And I can smell it walking in to the house. The only recourse I have is to empty the collection cup every day or other day(Barely fill the bottom with the nasty stuff) How do...
  14. T

    What if I dosed Vodka, sugar, Vitamin C and maybe Patron?

    Just wondering, would my nitrates be in the negatives?
  15. T

    Doh! PFO laying off all staff(Solana, Solaris...)

    Check it out! What happens when you dont take care of business! http://www.reefbuilders.com/2009/02/03/big-trouble-brewing-future-aquarium-leds/#more-4332
  16. T

    Super Blow time waster. Guess what I am.

    Show me your ID skillz! #1
  17. T

    New pickups Sat Jan 31st.

    Happy New years my fellow asians. Now on to presents for my self for the new years. As i went to the car to get my camera, the owner asked: "Are you here to take chinese new year pictures?" :roll: Blue Hex Zoas Rianbow Sherbert Zoas. Mean Green Zoas Didnt get this no one knew...
  18. T

    What is your talent?

    What have you found out your self to be good at in life so far. For me, I can throw the football a quarter mile.
  19. T

    CP's frag tank steals!

    I been promising to post some, so here is a few. I dont know how Donnie keeps so much coo zoas in stock all the time, just know I be trolling their stock tanks daily. :twisted: Fire and Ice Cool blue and greens Killer orange stuff from this To: Lunar Eclipse Some cool Paly
  20. T

    The 1 Challenge.

    So some of us have been talking some chit. So here is the challenge, winner gets bragging rights. Take 1 good zoa(Nothing that grows like pests) Frag it on a rock or plug, post a good picture, and lets see after a while who's grows fastest! My entry!