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Recent content by robrog

  1. R

    Tiny blue lobster at TNT

    Saw the cutest little 1" blue lobster at TNT yesterday very cool little guy but I don't have a tank for him not to cause trouble in as he grows or else I woulda got him! :) FYI: VIlllage had a tiny black Angler about 1" as well could make a cute couple maybe...
  2. R

    GFCI Mystery....

    About 4 days ago my GFCI tripped. My wife was home and I was at work, she noticed the tank was silent and the water level had dropped a bit. She called me and I told her to make sure one of the kids hadn't gotten back there and turned the power strip off. It was on, but she found the GFCI had...
  3. R

    Reefer Madness frag special

    In case anyone can't make it to the frag swap, or don't find what they are looking for, it looks like Reefer Madness is has a pretty good deal on frags right now. 10 frags for $150, which includes shipping. Here is the link, just scroll down to the frags...
  4. R

    One Year anniversary!

    I know I have been lurking a lot more than posting lately, but I am hoping to change that and try to become a bit more active around here! I figured my tanks one year anniversary is a good place to start..... I took my first steps into the world of reef tanks one year ago this week. May 8th...
  5. R

    Coral Recovery

    Another thread got me thinking........ I would venture a guess that I am not the only one who has had some close calls in their tank with corals. I thought I would share a couple of mine and see if anyone else had any good saves or cool recoveries!
  6. R

    Linkia reproduction

    I think my linkia multiflora has attempted to reproduce. A couple days ago it dropped an arm. Now the arm is cruising around in my tank. Hopefully it will grow into a whole new starfish, but I have no idea how long that might take! Here is the starfish And here is the arm on the front glass
  7. R

    Thanks Kenny!

    I was planning on posting a 6 month update picture, so that is why this isn't in the Vendor section. It was about 6 months ago that I bought my aquarium used from another reefer on Marsh. As luck would have it there was a LFS named Aquatic Center not too far from my house, so I stopped there...
  8. R

    Fragging Favites and encrusting montis

    Can anyone give me an idea of what the best tool or techniques for fragging these guys? Thanks in advance! :) Trish
  9. R

    Good snail or Bad snail???

    I got some new zoa's and apparently have a couple free snails included. Anyone have an idea if they are good or bad? All I could get was the shell as he dived back into the polyps. I plan on getting them out of the tank while I can still find them, then put them back if they are safe. I'll...
  10. R

    Thanks Kenny!

    I want to give a BIG thanks to Kenny for helping my in-laws out today, they were very impressed with the help and courtesy that A.C. gives. :) My husband and I are very thankful that we are fortunate to have A.C. so close to us because being new we have made alot of trips for small items and...
  11. R

    Anyone ever had a tank re-sealed?

    Has anyone ever re-sealed a tank either themselves or is there a LFS who does it? If LFS what is the approximate going rate? ( would be a 75 gallon tank). Thanks in advance! Trish
  12. R

    Anyone have luck with powder blues?

    I am interested in gertting a PB tang but have heard they can be difficult to keep alive...fine one day and downhill the next. :( The one I am interested in very healthy looking and well acclimated. Anyone successfully kept one of these beauties for an extended period of time? BTW: My tank...
  13. R

    DTs and skimmer

    I just bought some DTs today for a few of my corals and my new orange Linka starfish and after putting it in the skimmer it went nuts and of course fouled the place up a bit, for a few minutes anyway. 8O Has anyone ever had this problem and should I expect it everytime ( feeding at least...
  14. R

    3 month pic

    Here is a picture of my aquarium at 3 months. So far so good! And here is a link to some more pictures....... http://home.mindspring.com/~robrog/id11.html
  15. R

    Cloudy tank???

    Yesterday evening my wife came home and found our tank had become cloudy. She didn't see any obvious source and everything in the tank looked normal. I got home from work this morning and the tank was still cloudy. The snails, cleaner shrimp, emerald crabs all looked fine. The corals looked...